Sunday, January 21, 2007


Christians should not have children.

With what they believe to be true, about how this world really works, it would be the most irresponsible thing one could imagine - to take it upon themselves to risk the eternal soul of an innocent being that hasn't even asked to be born.

Most Christians believe there is a place of eternal suffering called Hell - their Christ came to save us from it.

They also believe there is a being out there, who rules this world and who roams about it like a Lion, seeking whom he may devour.
This 'Deceiver', this 'Father of Lies', this 'Satan', who may even appear as an 'Angel of Light', is doing his supernatural best, with all the cunning he can devise, to drag all those into hell along with him that he possibly can, as a last act of vengeance against God.

Most Christians also believe that mankind has freewill, and that it's up to each individual to make a freewill decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, in order to be saved from hell.

There is a risk then, a chance, that a child of Christian parents will use this freewill to decide against the faith they have been brought up in, and 'fall for the deceptions of Satan' that this world is full of.

Despite Proverbs 22:6 saying, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old ,he will not depart from it", there are people, adults, who were raised in Christian homes yet have since departed from Christianity.
Me for instance.

According to the bible I'm going to hell, and it will be worse for me than most others, because I've been taught about Jesus and rejected him.

So, the best way for Christians contemplating parenthood to avoid this fate for their children would be to not have them in the first place.

It would be the height of arrogance to think one could control their mind, to make their freewill decisions for them.

So, what if you're pregnant already?
Famous Christian apologist Lee Strobel says in 'The Case for Faith' that children don't end up in hell, only adults.
So then, the best thing a Christian can do for their child is to have an abortion. This guarantees a ticket straight to heaven.
Surely no one could ask for a better deal than that?

What about God's order to "Be fruitful and multiply"?

Well, firstly, the world was 'perfect' in those days.

Secondly, this is the same God who made the same decision himself by creating mankind in the first place.

Before the foundation of the world he knew that 95% of mankind would end up in hell, but he created them anyway.
The most responsible thing he could have done was to remain in his 'unchangeable perfection' and save everybody the trouble, but he needed his ego to be fed, his glory to be praised.
In his manic desire for worshippers he risked the eternal souls of countless beings who never even asked to be born - but now they must suffer eternal hell regardless.

So, believer, do you have a fantasy that your child will grow up into a great Christian?
That you will be able to teach them all they need and guide them through all those teenage years?
That they will be safe from all the deceptions of Satan?
That they will grow up into happy, sane adults, getting married to a wonderful christian partner and bringing you bright shiny christian grandkids?
That when they stand before the Judgement Throne of God they will be allowed to enter heaven and join you in the afterlife?
That they will be one of the chosen few to forever praise the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Dictator of Dictators?

Or will your child be one of those turned away by Jesus with the words, "Depart from me, for I never knew you", to then be thrown into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels?
That place of unending torment, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, and never even a drop of water to cool their tongue, not even just for a moment...

Is it worth the risk?
Gambling is frowned upon in the bible.

You're not just having a child for your own good purposes.
You're creating a future adult, with their own dangerous freewill, and their own place in eternity.

So I say, don't dwell on naive fantasies about how wonderful it will be to have a kid, to teach them all about Jesus, or even to enjoy their innocence, because that innocence is being preyed upon by your adversary the Devil.

I am the proof that the verse in Proverbs is a lie.
My parents did their best.
Bible readings every night, family prayer times every week, prayer every night before going to sleep, Sunday school, Church and Prayer meetings every week for all of my life, etc.
But faith wasn't enough for me.

When the bible didn't have answers I sought them beyond it, and found more than the bible could ever explain.
My parents are heartbroken, their fantasies of happy Christian families are shattered - but I can never go back - I know too much.

Do you want to end up like my parents?
Do you want your kids to end up like me?
It's an ignorant fantasy to think they won't...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Deus Ex Sanguis

Warriors of the Blood God

by Tim Rudge

We wring off the doves head,1 we slay the goat,2
now drain their life upon the altar of fire.
Their blood in the air, we stand in its purging rain.
Fingerprints of blood spread on our skin,
and by its power we are untouchable!

The Blood of the Innocent is His sign.4
Blood is our sign, and the blood is His.
In rivers it flows,6 our promise, our salvation,
our right, our license, our command.8
Ours to drink, and so live.

No god can stand against us! 10
We will slaughter every army on earth.
Our feet wallow in the blood flowing from their veins.12
Their life is in their blood,
so we take it and live forever! 13

The Author of all Evil,14 our Lord is Jealous.
A curse lies upon us if we fail him,
a curse if our swords bring him no bloodshed! 16
For then it will be our flesh that rots in the valleys,
and our blood drenching the mountains.17

So by His command we burn their fields,
we burn their villages, we burn their towns.
We slay their old, we slay their young,
we slay their women, we slay their children
- yet keep their virgins for our own good pleasure.18

The sky will burn and the moon will bleed,
in the terrible day of our Lords return.19
By His command, whoever eats His very flesh,
whoever drinks His holy blood - will have Life Eternal.20
Slake now your thirst, and join us in Conquest!

Might is Right, and ours is the Greatest! 21
Every knee shall bow,22 and then will be slain
all who do not receive his Mark upon their forehead.
Kneel! Submit! Drink the Blood! Draw your sword!

Thirst now for the blood of your atonement! 24

Let our battle cry ring out:
“No Forgiveness without Bloodshed!”
For there can be no forgiveness without bloodshed! 25
No escape from His wrath to come,
without the Blood of a God, the Blood of a Man.26

In the beginning the Word was made flesh.27
Now He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood 28
and all behold His eternal glory.29
Blood is our sign, and the Blood is His.
Now drink ye all of it.

1 - Leviticus 1:14-17
2 - Leviticus 4:24-25
3 – Exodus 29:20-21, Leviticus 1:14-17, 4:23-25
4 – Exodus 12:5-7,13, Job 9:23
5 - Matthew 26:27
6 - Exodus 7:17
7 - 1 John 5:6
8 - Mark 16:15-16, Romans 3:19-20, 1 Corinthians 16:22, Hebrews 9:13-14
9 - John 6:54
10 – Romans 8:31-32
11 – Revelation 19:17-18, 21
12 - Psalm 68:22, Revelation 14:20
13 - Leviticus 17:11, John 6:53-54
14 – Genesis 2:9, Isaiah 45:7, 1 Samuel 16:14-16, John 15:22,24, Colossians 1:16-17
15 – Exodus 20:5, 34:14, Nahum 1:2
16 - Jeremiah 48:10
17 - Ezekiel 32:6
18 – Numbers 31:1-18, Deuteronomy 2:32-34, 3:3-7
19 – Joel 2:30-31, Revelation 8:7-11
20 - John 6:53-54
21 – Job 9:4,12,19, Romans 8:31, 9:20-21
22 – Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11
23 - Revelation 7:2-3, 9:3-4
24 – Exodus 29:33, Romans 5:11, Luke 22:19-20, 36-38
25 - Colossians 1:14, Hebrews 9:22
26 – Luke 3:7, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:9
27 – John 1:1,14
28 - Revelation 19:13
29 – John 1:14, Revelation 5:13
30 – Matthew 26:27-28

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Answers in Egypt

I’m no scholar, biblical or otherwise, just a man with Google in hand, but here’s some aspects of the ancient Egyptian gods I've found which are strikingly similar to the those of the characters in the biblical story of Genesis:

ATUM (Tem):
“…in the myth cycle of An (GR Heliopolis), the Netjer “from Whom all Names emanate”. Like the Biblical God, Tem begins creation alone in the Nun, the deep void, or waters of potentiality.”

“The Memphite creation myth puts him as the first creation of Ptah, who simply said his name and he came into being.”

“…he was the first substance (a hill) who emerged from the primeval waters… The Memphite creation myth stated that Atum was conceived in the heart of Ptah and was created by his word. Literally, "he who completes, or perfects".”

“Sometimes Atum was thought to have originated as a serpent in Nun, and to be destined to return to that form; but through his identification with Re, serpents became his enemies.
…He overcomes the dangerous snake Nehebu-Kau by pressing his fingernail on its spine. Before Gate 9 of the Underworld, Atum stands confronting the coiled serpent Apophis, condemning him to be overthrown and destroyed.”

“…Totality, in reference to Atum, implies an ultimate and unalterable state of perfection. Atum was the monad from whom all else originally came.”

So 'Atum' sounds like 'Adam', in more than just name.
Anyone familiar with the bible’s creation story will recognise these elements: a perfect created being, a character who gives names to all, a deep void/waters from which arose the first land, the ‘crushing’ of a serpent in a future confrontation...

Yet he’s not the only one:

“…a creator god who brought all things to being by thinking of them with his mind and saying their names with his tongue.”

“Ptah is sometimes seen as an abstract form of the Self-Created One, Who effected creation through the actions of His heart and His tongue, and Who "set all the Netjeru in their places and gave all things the breath of life."”

“Khnum, was thought of as responsible for the creation of mankind, which he made from the mud of the Nile on his potter's wheel.”

“So Khnum fashioned the body of Amen-Ra's daughter and the body of her ka, the two forms exactly alike and more beautiful than the daughters of men. He fashioned them of clay with the air of his potter's wheel and Heqet, goddess of birth, knelt by his side holding the sign of life towards the clay that the bodies of Hatshepsut and her ka might be filled with the breath of life.”

This isn’t the whole story for each of these gods, but my point is the similar traits they hold to their counterparts in the Genesis creation story.

So which came first?

The gods mentioned above are some of the earliest known gods of ancient Egyptian culture.
It is common knowledge that Egypt existed long before Israel. Even according to the bible Israel, ie. Jacob himself, supposedly visited Egypt in the time of Joseph, before the tribes had grown from his offspring.

The tribes of Israel supposedly then lived in Egypt for about 400 years, long enough to gain full knowledge of the beliefs of their masters.

Exodus 1:11
“…And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses."

Here (according to the bible) the Israelites build the city of Pithom.
Pithom, or Per-Tem, means “House of Atum”. So both Egyptians and Israelites knew the Atum story before the Exodus.

The Torah (first five books of the bible, including the Genesis Creation story) was supposedly written by Moses, which if true (and it is disputed) would had to have been after the Exodus from Egypt.

If it’s not obvious already:

Acts 7:22
“Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.”

Mighty in deeds indeed, he led a major rebellion and virtually gave birth to an entire nation. Of course he's going to have to give them a religion and a set of laws, and of course he's going to borrow from what he, and they, already know...

So maybe Christian Creationists should be making their apologetics for Egyptian culture?

Sunday, March 12, 2006


The Next Step in Human Evolution

What do you do when you see something you don't like?
What do you do when the light is too bright?
Just close your eyes.
It takes no effort, simply a small movement of muscle.

What can you do when you hear something you don't like?
What can you do when the noise is too loud?
What can you do when you just need to relax your mind?


Fingers in your ears?
Try doing that for hours at a time.
Ear plugs?
They don't really work that well.

Evolution of the human body has failed to keep up with the more rapid evolution of modern 'civilisation'...

100 years ago building a house a few feet from your neighbour was not that big of a deal, noise wise.
Nowadays the building trend of urbanisation and mass housing continues - but in a new world.

Everybody has access to some kind of speakers, Hi-Fi systems, Sub-woofers, and the TV Home Theater surround sound experience - and too few of them care to use earphones.

Thanks to technology, and outdated urban planning methods, every bozo is now capable of reaching their maximum bozo potential - and we still build houses next door to each other!

I don't see this changing in the near future, but it is maddening that the place you call home, the only 'sanctuary' you have in this world, the only place you can retreat to for isolation, is constantly invaded and overwhelmed by throbbing beats and murmuring bass lines (not to mention the mindless barks and growls of dogs and their useless challenges to every move).

What can be done?
Moving home takes a lot of money, taking pot luck that the new neighbourhood isn't just the same as the last - or worse - and fleeing to the 'peaceful' countryside means isolation from all the other benefits of modern society.

No, I see a different solution in the future of our 'civilised' human race.

We just have to evolve some kind of muscle or cartlidge type 'latch' in our inner ear - to disconnect the ear drum at will with a simple conscious twitch.
As easy as closing our eyes.

If all those suffering mental misery in their life, from the sonic invasions of modern urban living, would put their minds to such a thing then I think somehow evolution would catch on - and our descendants can live in peace...
- despite 'civilisation'.


Monday, February 27, 2006


Slaves to the False Sky
by Tim Rudge

Hell storm rages.
Resistance denies wages.
Tongues of fire slide over grey faces,
so drearily all march, unto their places.
A thundering crescendo, the madness and lies.
Now mindless masses, slaves of the false sky arise.

Knowing only blindness by light,
none dare challenge for, “We are Right”.
Might holds back the dread chaos,
so just is the order, “Obey us!
Give in, hold back, withstand.
Live, but not beyond bland”.

Mystery of ages unknown,
so sits a false god on the throne.
Dreams and hopes all denied,
while heroes of old do now hide.
Under deception, truth is reversed.
Day after day the lie is rehearsed.

By a thin blue veil truth hides its face.

‘Freedom’ the flag of an imprisoned race.
Fear is the weapon, “The light will save!”
Falsehood perpetuated unto the grave.

Seek ye the light, it is no sin,
but not without, only within.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Blessed are the roaches, for they shall inherit the earth.